The enigmatic Serge dies young. After his funeral, six of his most loyal friends reclaim his sumptuous house. In their new group life, emerges an attraction between Anita, Serge’s girlfriend and Shema, late’s best friend. Soon they discover that Serge is still present, living among them.
Director: Mbabazi Sharangabo Philbert Aimé
Producer: Ishimwe Karemangingo Samuel
Co-Producer: Roxana Richters
Co-Producer: Alexander Wadouh
Mbabazi Sharangabo Philbert Aimé graduated from Geneva's Haute École d'Art et de Design in the cinema
department in 2017. His short film I Got My Things And Left, won the Grand Prix at the 2019 Oberhausen
International Short Film Festival, a qualifying prize for the Oscars, and was broadcasted on ARTE ZDF.
His several short films have screened at over 40 film festivals, including IFF Rotterdam, FIFF Namur, Go Short
Nijmegen, London Short Film Festival, Indie Lisboa and ISFF Hamburg among others. His school shorts The
Liberators and Versus have been screened at festivals such as Vision du Réel Nyon, Internationale
Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Uppsala, Tampere and the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival.
He was part of the Locarno Filmmakers Academy in 2019 and the Berlinale Talents in 2020. The
Oberhausen festival devoted a retrospective program to his work in 2020. He has just finished production
on his first feature film, Minimals In A Titanic World, now in post-production. He is the co-founder of Imitana
Productions, a film production company based in Rwanda, which produces his work and that of Kigali's
dynamic young film scene.